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IEEE Conference record no. #47978, Banner, Logo


UKSim-AMSS 13th European Modelling Symposium on



 Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation


Riga, Latvia, 21 - 22 November 2019, Riga Technical University

download Call-for-Papers

Click here to view EMS2008, EMS2009, EMS2010, EMS2011, EMS2012, EMS2013, EMS2014,  EMS2015EMS2016EMS2017 Proceedings in IEEE online Digital Library I-Xplore. EMS2018 published in ijssst-V19-N5, papers 16 to 25.

Explore Riga: Tours, Gauja Park, Art and Market



Important Dates

Call for Papers

Paper Submission



Flights, Travel, Hotels

Social Events


Keynote & Tutorial Speakers


Important Dates

Paper Submission:

See above



Continuous as reviews are completed, it starts on: 1 September 2019



(Payment) due:

See above.

Credit Card on EDAS



to CPS server &

copyright form:

See above.


Conference Chair

Prof Yuri Merkuryev,

RTU, Latvia



Program Chairs

Athanasios Pantelous

University of Liverpool

Ismail Saad, UMS

Zuwairie Ibrahim, UMP

Ibrahim Shapiai, UTM


Local Arrangements


Andrejs Romanovs

Galina Merkuryeva

Vitaly Bolshakov

Inese Upite

Jana Bikovska

Jelena Pecherska

Irina Shitova

Julija Golosova

Ainars Mazversitis

Peter Mensah


Advisory and Honorary Chairs

Prof Philip Sallis, AUT

New Zealand

Agostino Bruzzone

McLeod Institute of Simulation Science - Genoa Director


General Chair:

David Al-Dabass



Published Papers: 4 Papers going to publication in IJSSST Vol.20, N6, December 2019.

Accepted Papers: 4 papers awaiting Registration





First author

Registered author



Operational Modeling for Digital Twins using the Formal Simulation Model Configuration Framework


Ulrich Dahmen




LI-PAMB: Low Complexity Implementation of Power and Area-Efficient Modified Baugh Wooley Multiplier using Exact Computing


Thanmai Thota

Thanmai Thota



Using tropical optimization techniques in bi-objective project scheduling under temporal constraints


Nikolai Krivulin

Nikolai Krivulin



Parameters Identification and Model Validation for a Compact Fluorescent Lamp


Alexandru Gheorghe

Mihai Eugen Marin



Distributed Edge Agents


Anderson Carvalho




Application of the Fox and Li simulation method to the ring confocal optical resonator


Vladimir Venediktov




Application of layered models technique for simulation of surface acoustic wave devices


Alexander Kukaev

Alexander Kukaev



Platform-independent Modeling for Simulation-based Energy Optimization in Industrial Production


Bernhard Heinzl



The conference has been cancelled due to insufficient paper submissions and registration. Papers already submitted/ accepted/ registered will be published in IJSSS, see table above - If your paper is marked in pink it means we have not received the publication fee and your paper will not be published.

If you wish to publish your paper and intend to pay soon by credit card on EDAS (or ask for invoice with bank transfer details), kindly email the general chair immediately on



Paper Submission Deadline: 10 October 2019


Click below to get template to format your paper:


Word template (MS Word .doc format)

PDF template (PDF format)


then submit it through EDAS:


Registration Fee: payment instructions


Papers are invited on any aspect of computer based mathematical, analytical and symbolic modelling and computer simulation. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system. The conference will be held at Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia.



Publication: Proceedings will be published by IEEE Conference Publication Services (CPS) and then submitted for approval for publication in IEEE Computer Society online digital library IEEE-Xplore indexed by EI, ISI, SCOPUS, INSPEC etc.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:



- Intelligent Systems

- Hybrid Soft Computing

- Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research

- Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation

- Discrete Event and Real Time Systems

- Image, Speech and Signal Processing

- Industry, Business and Management

- Human Factors and Social Issues

- Engineering, Manufacturing and Control

- Energy, Power Generation and Distribution

- Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation

- Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer Games

- Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems

- Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies

- Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking

- Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems

- Circuits, Sensors and Devices


Applications: aerospace; remote sensing; wireless communication, intelligence and simulation, electronic circuits and systems; communication and networks; management; games, war/conflict/rebellion modelling, cognitive functions, semantics modelling/ dynamics; manufacturing; robotics; measurement; monitoring; safety critica1 systems; military. 

Exhibitors: manufacturers of software and hardware, publishers, etc., are invited to apply to exhibit their products.


Submission Guidelines

You are invited to submit:
- full paper of 6 pages for oral presentation, see template,

- proposal to organize a technical session and/or workshop.

Submissions must be original, unpublished work containing new and interesting results that demonstrate current research in all areas of systems informatics with emphasis on machine intelligence, their mathematical modelling, computer simulation and applications in science, technology, business and commerce.


Proceedings will be published by IEEE Conference Publication Services (CPS) and submitted for inclusion in IEEE online digital library I-Xplore and other global indexing agencies like EI, ISI, SCOPUS, INSPEC etc. The conference is jointly organised by UK Simulation Society and Asia Modelling and Simulation Section and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE UK & RI Computer Chapter. Patrons, promoters and supporters include:


Riga Technical University

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Nottingham Trent University

Manchester Metropolitan University

Kingston University

Liverpool University

University of Malaysia in Sabah

University of Technology Malaysia

University of Malaysia in Pahang


European Council for Modelling & Simulation

Society for Computer Simulation Int. (SCS)


Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. All papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS, in PDF or Word format. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least three independent referees of the international program committee.


Paper Submission: EMS2019 is using EDAS for submission and registration, authors need to:

- create an account, unless already have one, with EDAS by clicking on the link below

- open the list of conferences managed by EDAS & find EMS2019

- click on Submit button on the right to enter your paper title & abstract

- upload file.


Click here to submit paper


Author Kit will be emailed to authors individually upon acceptance of their papers.


Paper Templates:

Word template (MS Word .doc format)

PDF template (PDF format)


Authors of the best papers will be invited to revise and extend their work for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology:

Conference website:


Attendance and presentation  

1. Absence does not affect publication in the CD, it only affects submission and placement in IEEE-Xplore (about 6 to 12 months after the conference).

2. Authors who find it impossible to attend but still wish their paper to be submitted to IEEE-Xplore must upload their Presentation file to EDAS for review by the committee to assign a substitute presenter to qualify for submission to I-Xplore. The author must explain the reasons for absence in the first slide after the title slide with the name and email address of head of department or professor to confirm and support the reasons.

3. Authors who state they will attend but do not show up will not have the proceedings CD sent to them nor will their paper be submitted to IEEE-Xplore.

4. The presentation program must be accurate to avoid time waste.


IEEE-Xplore: a paper will not be submitted to IEEE-Xplore if it suffers from one or more of the following problems:

1. Below average English,

2. Excessive number of citations to the authors own work in References,

3. Little interaction with EE and Computing,

4. Not within the conference scope or has not followed Template,

5. Author did not offer valid reasons for not attending, or did not upload to EDAS the presentation file (for committee review), or both.



TPC/ International Reviewers

Prof. Ing. Heinz Frank, Reinhold-Wuerth-University Kunzelsau, Germany

Prof. P.K. Meher, NTU, Singapore

Dr Athanasios Pantelous, UK

Dr. Harkirat Singh, Samsung, USA

Dr. Maman Abdurohman,Institut Teknologi Telkom,Bandung - Indonesia

Prof. Vijay Bhargava, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Prof. Hai JiangArkansas State University, USA

Dr. Theodoros G. Kostis, Greece

Dr. Varun Jeoti, Petronas, Malaysia

Dr. Joanne Scillitoe, Michigan Tech Univ, USA

Prof Shubha Kher, USA

Prof Helen Karatza, Greece

Prof Anna Lekova, Bulgaria

Dr Pichaya Tandayya, Thailand

Mr. Jakapan Suaboot, Thailand

Dr. Wasimon Panichpattanakul, Thailand

Prof. Sudarshan Tiwari, MNNIT, Allahabad

Dr. Shekhar Verma, IIIT, Allahabad

Prof. Harnath Kar, MNNIT, Allahabad

Prof. A.G. Keshkar, VNIT, Nagpur, India

Prof. Yuehui Chen, China

Prof. Mokhtar Beldjehem, Canada

Prof. P.K. Singhal, MITS,

Gwalior India

Prof. S.S. Bhadoria, MITS, Gwalior, India

Prof Paulus Rihardjo, Indonesia

Ms. Pallavi Shukla, VITM, Indore, India

Prof Wimpy Santosa, Indonesia

Prof. Rubiyah Yusof, Malaysia

Mr. Manish Dixit, MITS, Gwalior, India

Mr Waqas Bangyal, Pakistan

Prof. A.K. Saxena, Libya

Dr Cecilia Nugraheni, Indonesia

Dr Hadzli Hashim, Malaysia

Dr. Fazal Rehman, MAJ University, Pakistan

Dr Kinley Aritonang, Indonesia

Prof Majida Alasady (Tikrit)

Dr Paulus Kartawijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Taha Osman, UK

Dr Bagus Arthaya, Indonesia

Dr Zuzka Oplatkova, Czech Republic

Dr Kenneth Nwizege, Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Nigeria

Dr Zuwairie Ibrahim, Malaysia

Dr. Aditya Trivedi, IIITM, Gwalior, India

Prof. Sung-Bae Cho, Korea

Prof. Jeng-Shyang Pan, Taiwan

Dr Ijaz Uddin, Pakistan

Dr Zuhaina Zakaria, Malaysia

Dr Ari Prihatmanto, Indonesia

Dr Miryam Wijaya, Indonesia

Prof Patrick Wang

Prof. Hisao Ishibuchi, Japan

Pandian Vasant, Malaysia,

Lucky Adhie, Indonesia

Ali Sadiyoko, Indonesia

Dong-hwa Kim, Korea, 
Nico Saputro, Indonesia

Rian Pratikto, Indonesia

Zhang Yi, China

Noor Aziz, Malaysia

Muhammad Haron, Malaysia

Elisati Hulu, Indonesia

Min-Shiang Hwang, Taiwan

Jeng-Shyang Pan, Taiwan

Marihot Nainggolan, Indonesia

Dr. Jongman Cho, Korea

Thedy Yogasara, Indonesia

Noor Hafizah Abdul Aziz, Malaysia

Prof. B.K. Mohanty, JIET, Guna, India

Prof. Osamu Ono, Japan

Prof Robertus Triweko, Indonesia

Mr. R.S. Tomar, IITM, Gwalior, India

Dr. Er Meng Joo, Singapore

Cynthia Juwono, Indonesia

Ignatius Sandy, Indonesia

Paramasivan Saratchandran, Singapore

Mario Koeppen, Japan

Mr. B.K. Chaurasia, IIIT, Allahabad, India

Prof. Zhou Mingtao, China

Prof. Kazunori Sato, Japan

Prof Shah Rizam Mohd Shah Baki, Malaysia

Prof. Kunio Igusa, Japan

Prof Mohamed Khalil Hani, Malaysia

Dr. Shirsu Verma, IIIT, Allahabad, India

Mr. Arvind Jain, RJIT, Gwalior, India

Prof Teruaki Ito, Japan

Prof Eduard Babulak, Fiji

Waqas Ahmed

Khalid Al-Begain

David Al-Dabass

Alhad Kuwadekar

Rik Van Landeghem

Prof R K Subramanian, Mauritius

Prof K.G. Subramanian, Malaysia

Dr Cecilia Nugraheni

Dr Hadzli Hashim, Malaysia

Dr. Fazal Rehman, MAJ University, Pakistan

Mr. Prashant Purohit, RJIT, India

Mr. P. Ganeshan, British Telecom, Malaysia

Dr. S.S. Bedi, Barielly, India

Dr. Lei Shu, Japan

Dr. K. Madduletty, NITIE, Mumbai, India

Dr. Atul Negi, Hyderabad, India

Dr. S.K. Shukla, India

Prof. Suresh Kumar, Tumkur, India

Dr. C.V. Tripathi, India

Dr. Azrin Aris, Malaysia

Dr Danilo Pelusi

Dr. Shwkat Ali, Australia

Mr. Valliappan Raman, USM, Malaysia

Mr. Rajit Ram, VITM, India 

Prof Eduard Babulak, Canada

Prof. Rakesh Saxena
Prof MPS Chawla
Prof. RS Tare
Prof. PK Sen

Abu Khari A'ain

Ghulam Abbas

Mohsen Askari

Athanasios Pantelous

Mohd Zaidi Abd Rozan

Normaziah Abdul Aziz

Izhal Abdul Halin

Theodoros G. Kostis

Ruzairi Abdul Rahim

Irfan Syamsuddin

Rosni Abdulla

Shahrum Shah Abdullah

Dayang Norhayati Abg Jawawi

Shukri Abidin

Hassan Abolhassani

Athanasios Goudosis

Ajith Abraham

Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar

Gregorio Romero

Luisa Martinez

Rohani Abu Bakar

Carlota Tovar

Ford Lumban Gaol

Wan Hussain bin Wan Ishak

Syed Abd Rahman Abu Bakar

Johari Adnan

Mohamad Noh Ahmad

Mohammad Nazir Ahmad

Waqas Ahmad

Shakeel Ahmad


Dhiya Al-Jumeily

Rafe' Alasem

Mikulas Alexik

Marco Remondino

Belal Alhaija

Tony Allen

Ferda Alpaslan

Ismail Amin

Shamsudin Amin

Konar Amit Marcelo Ang, Jr

Obinna Anya

Ishak Aris

Vijay Arora

Irfan Awan

Eduard Babulak

Kambiz Badie

Youakim Badr

Gurvinder-Singh Baicher

Preeti Bajaj

Frank Ball

Abhijit Bapat

Narendra Bawane

Arijit Bhattacharya

Fabian Boettinger

Mohammad Razaa Borujerdi

Vesna Bosilj-Vuksic

Felix Breitenecker

Adam Brentnall

John Brinkman

Agostino Bruzzone

Bustanur Busta

Hueseyin Cakmak

Piers Campbell

Richard Cant

Andre Carvalho

Sanjay Chaudhary

Russell Cheng

Monica Chis

Sung-Bae Cho

Chin Soon Chong

Monica Chris

Robert Colomb

Emilio Corchado

Roy Crosbie

Amol Deshmukh

R Deshmukh

Jafri Din

Jiri Dvorsky

Andrzej Dzielinski

Chionh Eng Wee

Mazlina Esa

Tony Fleet

Thomas Freytag

Vikram Gadre

Boon Ping Gan

G Ganesan

Viranjay M. Srivastava

Fengge Gao

Xiao-Zhi Gao

Xiaohong Gao


Yannis Goulermas

Crina Grosan

Jafar Habibi

Abdul Razak Hamdan

Habibollah Haron

Faiezah Haron

Fazilah Haron

Manaf Hashim

Uda Hashim

Aboul Ella Hassanien

George Herterich

Seth Hetu

Vlatka Hlupic

Sadiq Hussain

Abir Hussain

Min-Shiang Hwang

Zuwairie Ibrahim

Hanif Ibrahim

Ismail Ibrahim

Subariah Ibrahim

Mohd. Yazid Idris

Mojca Indihar Stemberger

Rolly Intan

Hisao Ishibuchi

Razali Ismail

Nauman Israr

Norafida Ithnin

Teruaki Ito

Lakhmi Jain

Sudhanshu Jamuar

Safeeullah Soomro

Janos-Sebestyen Janosy

Gerrit Janssens

Don Jeng

Emilio Jimenez Macias

Rao Jinnah

Er Joo

Kasmiran Jumari

Esko Juuso

Lilia Kakaradova

Nikolaos Karadimas

Helen Karatza

S. D. Katebi


Arpad Keleman

Avinash Keskar

Marzuki Khalid

Noor Khafifah Khalid

Mohamed Khalil-Hani

Hisham Khamis

M Kharat

Shubha Kher

Dong-hwa Kim

Mario Koeppen

Petia Koprinkova

Anna Lekova

Michal Kratky

Vijay Kukreja

Rajeev Kumar

Tri Basuki Kurniawan


Registration (all figures in US$) Currency Converter

Due to the labour intensive process of handling bank transfers a $50 surcharge applies.


Student Paper

(2 authors maximum)

Student Participant

(no paper)

Credit Card

Bank Transfer

Credit Card

Bank Transfer

Credit Card

Bank Transfer

Registration BEFORE deadline of 5 October

IEEE Members: 5% discount is given to author after presentation at conference











Registration AFTER deadline of 5 October

IEEE Members: 5% discount given to author after presentation at conference












Registration: Only one method of payment is available on EDAS:

Credit Card: payment is accepted online and confirmation is instant.


Here is the procedure:


1. go to EDAS at and click on Register yellow tab at the top, a list of conferences will appear

2. Scroll down to conference name (e.g. EMS2016) line and click on the extreme right green money symbol at the end of this line, a new page will appear

3. click on the extreme right button (Trolley symbol) after USD $595, a new table will immediately appear under a new line Registered, but no paid.

4. Under this table a list of credit card symbols and SWIFT. Click on the credit card symbol.  


5. A new page will appear, enter all card details, scroll down to the bottom and click Pay for Registration


6. REMEMBER: NO payment received by the set deadline means your paper will NOT be in the Proceedings.


If you have problems meeting this deadline email immediately.


Best wishes and look forward to meeting you at the conference.

Conference Chairs.

To be Updated


Conference Venue: Riga Technical University (RTU), Room 201, No. 1 Kalku Street, Riga, Latvia.


Hotels nearby within 10 minutes walking distance from RTU:

Hotel Garden Palace, 4 stars, 2 min

Hotel Justus, 4 stars, 2 min

Neiburgs Hotel, 4 stars, 2 min

Royal Square Hotel & Suites, 5 stars, 3 min

Kolonna Hotel Riga, 3 stars, 4 min

St. Peter's Boutique Hotel, 4 stars, 4 min

Wellton Centra Hotel, 4 stars, 6 min

Konventa Seta, 3 stars, 6 min

Wellton Old Riga Palace Hotel, 4 stars, 6 min

Dome Hotel & Spa, 5 stars, 7 min

Radi un Draugi, 4 stars, 7 min

Hotel Roma, 4 stars, 7 min

Old Riga Hotel Vecriga, 4 stars, 7 min

Old City Boutique Hotel, 4 stars, 8 min

Avalon Hotel, 4 stars, 8 min

Wellton Centrum Hotel & SP, 4 stars, 8 min

Grand Palace Hotel, 5 stars, 8 min

Hotel Forums, 3 stars, 9 min

Boutique Hotel Monte Kristo, 4 stars, 10 min

Astor Riga Hotel, 4 stars, 10 min



Keynote Speaker-1


Title: to be confirmed


Professor Andrejs Romanovs


IEEE Region 8 MD Subcommittee Member

IEEE Latvia Section Chairperson






IEEE is the world's largest professional association with 130 years long history, uniting engineers and scientists to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It has about 420,000 members in about 160 countries, more than 110,000 of them are students. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

The welcome speech will give a general overview of the IEEE, how it is organized both in geographic and technical aspects; with some quick facts about IEEE, the important role that IEEE plays in its designated fields of interests (i.e., all technical fields rooted in electrical and computer sciences, engineering and related disciplines) will become apparent. After the general introduction to IEEE, we will continue with IEEE Region 8 (i.e., Europe, Middle East, and Africa) activities, with specific interests to IEEE Latvia Section; we will see how the Region and the Section are organized and how many volunteers work to support the members and the geographic units on the local level.

Another main point presented at the welcome speech is a role of IEEE as an incubator of emerging technologies and new applications of current technologies and identifying opportunities to engage the engineering community and the general public. An overview of graduated and future IEEE incentives (e.g., Cloud Computing, Life Sciences, Smart Grid, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Digital Senses, Green IT, Internet of Things, Smart Cities) will be given.

The rough content of the speech will be as follows: (i) IEEE in general: history, mission, vision, organization; quick facts, membership trends. (ii) A closer look at Region 8: history, mission; membership, structure and organization. (iii) Quick facts about IEEE Latvia Section. (iv) Existing and new IEEE incentives in designated fields of interests.



Speakers Bio


Keynote-speaker-ARomanovs-photoANDREJS ROMANOVS,, MBA, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at the Information Technology Institute, Head of Dept. of Modelling and Simulation, Riga Technical University (Latvia). He has almost 20 years academic experiences teaching numerous post-graduate courses at the RTU, as well as over 25 years professional experience developing as IT project manager and system analyst 50+ industrial and management information systems for state institutions and private business worldwide.

His professional interests include modeling and design of MIS and industrial information systems, cybersecurity, IT governance and IT risk management, integrated information technologies in business of logistics and supply chain management, information systems for health care, e-commerce, as well as education in these areas.

He is an expert of the Latvian Council of Science in the field of Information Technology; member of the Council of RTU Information Technology Institute; senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), chair of IEEE MGA MRR Committee, IEEE Latvia Blockchain Group, past chair of IEEE Latvia Section, IEEE R8 MD Subcommittee; member and academic advocate of Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), member of Latvian Simulation Society (LSS). He is the author of 90+ textbooks and papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings in the field of Information Technology, organized and participated in over 50 international scientific conferences, as well as in numerous national and European-level scientific and R&D projects..


Keynote Speaker-2, to be confirmed


Title: to be confirmed


Professor Frank Wang

Chair, IEEE Computer Society, UKRI Chapter.

Head of School of Computing, University of Kent

Canterbury, UK.






To be confirmed


Speaker Biography


Frank Z. Wang is the Professor in Future Computing and Head of School of Computing, University of Kent, UK. The School of Computing was formally opened by Her Majesty the Queen. In the UK Governments conducted REF 2014 (Research Excellence Framework), the Schools research intensity was ranked 12th out of over 100 computing departments in the UK. Professor Wang's research interests include cloud computing, big data, green computing, brain computing and future computing. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches and invited talks to report his research worldwide, for example at Princeton University, Carnegie Mellon University, CERN, Hong Kong University of Sci. & Tech., Tsinghua University (Taiwan), Jawaharlal Nehru University, Aristotle University, and University of Johannesburg. In 2004, he was appointed as Chair & Professor, Director of Centre for Grid Computing at CCHPCF (Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facility). CCHPCF is a collaborative research facility in the Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield (with an investment size of Sterling 40 million). Prof Wang and his team have won an ACM/IEEE Super Computing finalist award. Prof Wang is Chairman (UK & Republic of Ireland Chapter) of the IEEE Computer Society and Fellow of British Computer Society. He has served the UK Government EPSRC e-Science Panel and the Irish Government High End Computing Panel for Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).


** ** **

Keynote Speaker-3, to be confirmed

Title: to be confirmed


Professor Qiang Shen


Director, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK.




Title: to be confirmed

Speaker Biography

Professor Qiang Shen Professor Qiang Shen received a PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems and a DSc in Computational Intelligence. He holds the Established Chair of Computer Science and is Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University. He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and a UK Research Excellence Framework panel member for Computer Science and Informatics. He has been a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems), and has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences.


Professor Shens current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty, pattern recognition, knowledge modelling and simplification, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g., crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis). He has authored 2 research monographs and over 350 peer-reviewed papers, including an award-winning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper. He has served as the first supervisor of more than 50 PDRAs/PhDs, including one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner.




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